10% penalty for poor telecoms service

Uganda’s Communications Commission is investigating possible penalties to telecommunications providers delivering poor service quality. New proposed companies could face a 10% of their gross income.

Masai warriors on cell phones

“We are in consultations with all telecoms to come up with a detailed report indicating how much to be fined for which offense. The law allows us fines of up to 10 per cent in comparison to gross income,” Fred Ottunu, the UCC communications and consumer affairs manager told Uganda’s Daily Monitor recently.

The public outcry about poor service quality sparked discussions the UCC added.

Various telecommunications companies said they are yet to come to an agreement, but do not expect any penalties.

“There is nothing conclusive yet and I hope the commission will first consult widely before it introduces penalties,” said Shailendra Naidu, the Warid chief commercial officer.

UTL’s Jamal Sultan added that “Even as UCC’s recent Quality of Service report placed Utl in the lead in terms of service, we have not tired of laying strategies for improving our services.”


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