Integra is please to announce that Laurie Moy has joined the firm as the Communications Director. Laurie brings over 15 years of experience in international development and communications. She has served as the Executive Director of Pearls of Africa, a nonprofit organization serving children with disabilities and their families in Uganda, since 2001. She has also worked closely with a variety of civil society organizations around the world, helping them use media and communications to reach their project goals. She has worked closely with United Nations Volunteers and NetAid and is also regarded as an expert in online volunteering, network engagement, and development communications.

Integra is pleased to announce that USAID has awarded Integra the contract to implement the new Global Broadband and Innovations Program for USAID.

The purpose of the contract is to raise awareness withing USAID of the potential impact of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) solutions, to provide missions with technical assistance on implementing these ICT solutions, and to increase innovation of new ICT solutions for development. Please visit our Current Activities page for more information.

Integra is pleased to announce that Eric White has joined the firm as Managing Associate. Eric brings more than five years of experience in project management and international development consulting. He has served as Consultant for multilateral development organizations and various African governments, worked as a social entrepreneur in the ICT sector, and taught economics at Harvard University. He has led research teams whose work has been incorporated into national development policy, co-authored a forthcoming World Bank book on agricultural development and structural transformation, and managed a start-up mobile-based social enterprise in Mexico.

The US Agency for International Development has notified INTEGRA and CARANA Corporation that they have been approved for a Mentor-Protégé relationship. The agreement, effective August 10, 2010, runs for 3 years and is designed to provide training and technical assistance for new employees of INTEGRA to accelerate its capacity to grow and prosper.

The agreement provides supporting services for INTEGRA’s administrative, operations, business development, and case management capabilities. For the initial period of the agreement, INTEGRA will be co-located with CARANA at 4350 North Fairfax Drive in Arlington Virginia.

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