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To date, the ASEAN region has been home to three successful attempts to establish broadband networks using “TV White Space”, or empty space in the broadcast frequency spectrum. As a result, telecommunications regulators and policy makers from around the region are now considering their approaches to the governance frameworks that will need to be established in order to allow the technology to be rolled out more broadly. To help decision makers learn more about the successful trials and to help them frame the decisions that will need to be made, Integra designed and facilitated the ASEAN-sponsored Wireless Broadband and Dynamic Frequency Allocation Conference, held 7-8 September 2015 in Vientiane, Lao PDR. Thirty-two regulators and policy makers from nine ASEAN countries met for the conference, which was supported by USAID’s “ASEAN Connectivity through Trade and Investment” activity, on which Integra is a subcontractor to Nathan Associates.

The conference included discussions of the ASEAN TV White Space pilots, led by implementers from the governments of Indonesia and the Philippines, and by Microsoft’s Singapore office. It included a presentation on the fundamentals of the technology from the US Federal Communications Commission, and extensive participation by the Dynamic Spectrum Alliance. The meeting also provided a forum for participants to discuss policy, regulatory, financial, and business model conditions involved in bringing TVWS to scale serving rural populations.

The participants identified key themes in expanding TV White Space – including ensuring that all stakeholders were involved in discussions, and that spectrum policy was coordinated regionally. They will have the opportunity to continue to do just that, as a follow-up conference was been announced for October 19th-20th in Vietnam.

Integra is pleased to announce that it has been awarded USAID’s Performance and Technical Evaluation of the Foreign Assistance Coordination and Tracking System (FACTS Info) Next Generation project. In partnership with Sonjara, Inc., a women-owned ICT for development firm, Integra will conduct an analysis to identify the technical and functionality issues that may be contributing to delays and challenges within the FACTS Info System. In addition to identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the system, the evaluation will also identify any management problems that may have occurred during the project’s implementation.

This evaluation is Integra’s first award under its MOBIS Schedule 874, recently acquired in May 2015. This government-wide, multiple award schedule contract allows Integra to provide a full range of consulting and business program support services to federal agencies looking to improve performance and meet mission goals. The vehicle is accessible to all federal agencies, which may place orders directly with Integra. For more information regarding Integra’s schedule, please visit the GSA website here.

shutterstock_139668457USAID’s Wildlife Crime Tech Challenge has an opportunity to live demo some very promising wildlife tech solutions at SXSW 2016, but first the project needs your help!

The Challenge has applied to host a panel at SXSW Interactive 2016, one of the world’s top social innovation summits. Public voting, which begins August 10, 2015, accounts for 30% of SXSW’s PanelPicker process. While Integra thinks the proposal is great, competition is fierce and the Challenge would love your vote.

The project’s panel would feature two Challenge Prize Winners demonstrating the technologies they’ve developed to disrupt wildlife trafficking. These could potentially include apps, geospatial systems, and animal-mounted sensors. The Challenge expect to announce Prize Winners in late fall of 2015, so SXSW could potentially be the first showcase of these exciting innovations!

To learn more about the proposal and cast your vote, you’ll need to log into the SXSW PanelPicker page. Here’s how:

    1. Click here to log in to the SXSW PanelPicker page. Click “Create Account” under the blue “Sign In” button to create your free account if you don’t already have one. You should receive a confirmation email to activate your account. Once it is activated, enter your email address/password, and click the blue “Sign In” button.
    2. Visit our voting page directly or search for the proposal by choosing the “Search/Vote” tab. The proposal is titled “Fighting Wildlife Crime with Tech Innovation”.
    3. Once you are on the voting page, click the thumbs up to vote!

Voting ends on Friday September 4, 2015, so there’s plenty of time to ask your friends on TwitterFacebook, and LinkedIn to vote for the Challenge as well. We hope to see you at SXSW 2016, and in the meantime, stay tuned and thanks for joining the fight against wildlife crime.

As the prime contractor of USAID’s Wildlife Crime Tech Challenge, Integra is excited to announce that the Concept Notes are in and currently undergoing technical review! During the Wildlife Crime Tech Challenge’s ten-week application window, individuals and organizations countries around the world submitted 300 Concept Notes covering a variety of solutions that address both terrestrial and marine wildlife. Some highlights from the pool of Concept Notes received include:

  • 52 countries represented
  • 67% applied from outside the United Statess
  • 50% were individuals; 50% represented organizations
  • 53% had no prior experience combating wildlife trafficking
  • 86% had not previously received USAID funding

The application window closed June 30, 2015, and a technical review of applications has begun. Next, nine judges representing the fields of conservation, law enforcement, business, technology, journalism, and government will select the Finalists that will apply for a Prize Package comprising $10,000, recognition, and technical and networking support. Winners of the Prize Package will have an opportunity to apply for a Grand Prize of up to $500,000. Stay tuned for the Finalists announcement in early September!

Beginning in 2016, the Challenge will support the acceleration and scale-up of winning solutions by offering targeted support and technical assistance. The Challenge is looking for individuals or groups who will work with Winners to accelerate and scale the solutions to new markets and users. To learn more about the Challenge and how you can get involved, please visit the project website at www.wildlifecrimetech.org.

In partnership with Microsoft, Hitachi, Jogja Medianet, and the Government of Indonesia, Integra recently concluded a year-long field trial of a new technology that has the potential to revolutionize broadband access in rural parts of the developing world. The pilot was implemented with funding from the US Agency for International Development, and NetHope, Inc.  A short fact sheet about the TVWS pilot can be downloaded here. The full TVWS report can downloaded here. Read more

As part of USAID’s efforts to mark Earth Day on April 22nd, Acting Administrator Alfonso Lenhardt publicly issued the official call for concept notes to the Wildlife Crime Tech Challenge. Read more

Integra LLC is proud to announce it has been awarded a Mission Oriented Business Integrated Services (MOBIS) Schedule 874 contract by the US General Services Administration (GSA). This government-wide, multiple award schedule contract allows Integra to provide a full range of consulting and business program support services to federal agencies looking to improve performance and meet mission goals. The vehicle is accessible to all federal agencies, which may place orders directly with Integra. Read more

Integra is excited to announce the launch of USAID’s Wildlife Crime Tech Challenge, a competition that will source innovative science and technology solutions to combat the issue of wildlife crime.

The Challenge will offer applicants an opportunity to win Grand Prizes of as much as $500,000, as well as technical assistance in fields such as technology development, business planning, and marketing. Winners will also receive access to networks of peers, funders, and consumers, and be eligible to apply for a grant to bring the solution to scale. By harnessing the power of technology, the Challenge hopes to overcome critical barriers and accelerate the pace at which we address the wildlife trafficking crisis. Read more

An Integra evaluation team recently concluded a mid-term performance evaluation of USAID’s Supporting Forests and Biodiversity (SFB) Project in northeastern Cambodia, under USAID’s REPLACE IDIQ.   The project,  aims to mitigate climate change and conserve biodiversity through improved conservation and forest governance. It is implemented through a cooperative agreement with Winrock International and supported by the East West Management Institute, WWF, People and Forests (RECOFTC), and the Wildlife Conservation Society. Read more

Integra’s ICT team is in the middle of an important strategic consulting assignment with a unit of the Nigeria Communications Commissions called the Universal Service Provision Fund (USPF), focusing on how to close ICT access gaps in remote areas of the country. Read more

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