Integra Leads Evaluation of Central Africa Regional Program for the Environment III
Integra is pleased to announce that it has been selected to lead the mid-term evaluation of the third phase of the Central Africa Regional Program for the Environment (CARPE III). The intention of the CARPE Program is to maintain a healthy forest ecosystem and conserve the Congo Basin’s unique biodiversity, while mitigating climate change and improving the livelihoods and food security of the surrounding communities. Accordingly, the Integra team is currently visiting targeted forest landscapes in the Congo Basin to evaluate the sustainability of the way the area is being managed, identify potential threats to biodiversity, and assess the Program’s capacity to monitor forest cover change and greenhouse gas emissions.
Within the Congo Basin, the team will travel to the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Republic of Congo to conduct interviews with key informants and CARPE III stakeholders. Our strategy is focused on evaluating the program’s performance, design and implementation strategy, management and coordination, and long-term sustainability. The team will review lessons learned to provide practical recommendations for performance improvement and strategic planning for the ongoing CARPE III.