Asia Emerging Opportunities (AEO)
Asia Emerging Opportunities (AEO) Task Order is a three-year contract, awarded to Integra Government Services International (Integra), based in Washington, D.C., in partnership with Nathan Associates. The program is designed to provide analytical services to USAID Asia Bureau and USAID Asia Missions and will furnish the data and analysis needed to anticipate and respond to development opportunities and challenges; and will enable utilization of that data, research, and analysis in policy, strategy, and program development. Structured as a contractual mechanism designed to accommodate buy-ins, AEO provides field support for analytical services when USAID/Asia Bureau or field mission staff are unavailable, or when specialized expertise in an area of analysis is required. It also provides a vehicle for USAID to support capacity building for USAID staff, partner governments and civil society counterparts. Assistance can be provided across all sectors, including economic growth, agriculture, education, health, women’s empowerment, environment and infrastructure.