Education Finance Training – Phase I & II
The Integra LEAP III team previously helped USAID develop and pilot a series of training courses on topics related to education finance. The initial activity included separate training courses on topics in public and private financing. They were delivered in person in Washington, D.C., from November 2019 to February 2020. The courses incorporated lectures by trainers from within USAID and leading experts from outside of the Agency. Upon successful completion of this activity, USAID asked Integra to build on these training courses in a follow on activity. The follow-on Activity built on the original set of Education Finance training courses to:
(1) develop a single course that combines topics in both public finance and private & innovative financing,
(2) building the course for asynchronous distance learning and online delivery, and
(3) running the course online starting in January 2021.
In addition Integra will simultaneously develop a series of short and mini courses on specific topics that will complement the main course. At the conclusion of the Activity, Integra will provide USAID the final course material, which will enable continued delivery of the course in the future.