Education Finance Training Phase I
USAID/Africa Bureau requested that Integra, under LEAP III, develop and pilot a series of short courses and other training events (e.g. workshops, guest lectures, and panel discussions) intended to strengthen the knowledge of public and private financing of education systems and interventions among USAID’s education staff. The Bureau has identified education financing as a significant knowledge gap with Africa mission education officers, as well as with DC-based education staff, whose role is to support mission education staff in the area of education programming. These trainings aligned with USAID’s Financing for Self-Reliance Framework and training agenda, focusing on the areas particularly relevant to the education sector. The course curriculum was piloted with DC-based staff but developed so that material can eventually be delivered in person and in webinars to staff throughout the Africa region. The team delivered three trainings: Funding the Future: Public Institutions and Education Finance Training, Funding the Future: Navigating Private Finance in Education, and Funding the Future: Institutional Perspectives on the Education Finance Landscape.