Evaluations and Evidence Community of Practice


Oct 2023 - April 2024




USAID/EE requested CLA support from the Integra EE/MELDS team to create a USAID/EE Evaluation and Evidence Community of Practice (COP) supporting the kickoff and managing and facilitating six workshops on monitoring, evaluation, research, and analysis and their uses in project design and delivery. The COP had two goals, including to 1) improve data utilization among implementing partners and USAID staff, and 2) lead the development community in delivering evidence-based development interventions.

The subject matter themes discussed throughout the workshop series included:

  • Defining the COP’s Purpose and Establish Working Groups.
  • Explore Lean Experimentation in Support of Adaptive Management.
  • The Ishikawa Approach.
  • Action Planning and Peer Assist.
  • Pause-and-Reflect Workshop.
  • The TRIZ Exercise and Co-Creation Workshops for Evaluation Recommendations.

Through the Evaluation and Evidence Community of Practice, USAID/EE brought together diverse Missions and Mission staff across the E&E Region to discuss and share experiences and lessons learned to continue improving many aspects of their MEL and CLA work.

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