FFP/ Cost Effective Analysis (CEA)




FFP/ Cost Effective Analysis (CEA)

As a part of LEAP III, Integra conducted a cost-effectiveness analysis of USAID/Fod For Peace (FFP) programs with a specific focus on variations between modalities and programming design. FFP delivers resource transfers through four food assistance modalities: Title II, Local and Regional Purchase (LRP), cash transfers, and food vouchers. Title II is in-kind food assistance procured from the United States and LRP is in-kind food assistance procured from within the country or region where the assistance is provided. FFP provides cash transfers and food vouchers (restricted or unrestricted) as part of its emergency portfolio. Integra’s objective was to improve understanding of cost-effectiveness in relation to emergency program design models through a comparative cost-effectiveness analysis of FFP emergency food assistance models. It is expected that this information will be used by USAID, implementing partners, and others to inform programmatic, as well as strategic decisions.

The study was comprised of three components: 1) a review of a subset of 51 FFP projects that was used to develop the expandable model, as well as calculate cost effectiveness for those projects where data was available; 2) an expandable model that can be used to continue to build a database for all relevant FFP projects on their cost effectiveness; and 3) a guidance document for using the expandable model to continue to input project data as it becomes available. The team reviewed a total of 51 projects and provided a template on reporting future findings as additional projects are input to the model.

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