Georgia Agriculture Program Mid-Term Evaluation


June 2021




Agriculture and Food Security


USAID/Georgia requested that Integra conduct mid-term evaluations of the Agriculture Program implemented by CNFA. This mid-term performance evaluation aimed to determine the effectiveness of specific programmatic approaches, referenced in the evaluation questions below, in achieving intended life-of-program results and to provide recommendations on corrective actions and new directions for the remaining years of program implementation. Agriculture is one of three sectors, along with tourism and light manufacturing, identified as a key driver for Georgia’s economic growth and employment. While agriculture is not a large contributor to Georgia’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), it provides a safety net to 50 percent of Georgia’s population.

The evaluation found that the Program has successfully generated impact in line with expected results—overcoming lagging LOP results from PY1 and PY2, with considerably increased results in PY3. The Program was particularly effective in leveraging its staff’s deep connections, experience, and expertise to identify and address specific enterprise-level development challenges across the target Venture Capitalists using a combination of grants and Technical Assistance. The Program largely achieved its stated objectives, as demonstrated in the findings and supported by its MEL framework. The results of the study were shared with USAID Georgia along with recommendations, as well as shared with local stakeholders and other donors in the area.

Photo Credit: Georgian Product Renaissance, LTD (GRP), Pecan Processing Facility, in Khobi Municipality, Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Region (Photo/USAID Georgia Agriculture Program).

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