Georgia Economic Security Program Mid-Term Evaluation


June 2021




Economic Growth


USAID/Georgia requested that Integra conduct mid-term evaluation of the Economic Security Program implemented by DAI. The performance evaluation aimed to determine specific programmatic approaches’ effectiveness in achieving intended life-of-program results and provide recommendations on corrective actions and new directions for the remaining years of program implementation. The evaluation team approached this mid-term evaluation understanding that the Program no longer existed within the environment it was originally designed for. Designed initially under a previous strategy and a very different geopolitical and economic environment, the Program was conceived and 13 designed before USAID’s Private Sector Engagement (PSE) Policy and Digital Strategy and before the outbreak of COVID-19, which has had a dramatic and lasting impact on the economic sectors targeted by the Program. Considering these changes, USAID/Georgia asked Integra to gather evidence and provide recommendations for improvements in five key areas of interest:

  1. Private sector engagement
  2. Value chain approach
  3. Grant components
  4. Policy coordination
  5. COVID-19

The ET used a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative, in-depth remote interviews with key stakeholders, Program partners and informants, and online surveys and group interviews. The questions focused on PSE; government and business associations’ support of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs); specific value chains such as tourism, shared intellectual services (SIS), creative industries, light manufacturing, solid waste management (SWM); private investment expansion; skills and business training; and building the sustainability of activities and organizations during the post- COVID-19 recovery.

Photo Credit: USAID Georgia Economic Security Program gives out National Tourism Award (Photo/USAID Economic Security Program).

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