KEA Localization Engagement Assessment


January 2024




USAID/KEA requested assistance from Integra to assess their localization efforts. The Localization Engagement Assessment aimed to understand the extent of the Mission’s implementation of localization approaches and its achievements to date through its local partners, awards, and internal operating framework. Additionally, it was designed to identify best practices and bottlenecks in its approaches, processes, and structures and to generate actionable recommendations and tools to integrate improved localization efforts into future programming.

The assessment findings will aid USAID/KEA in understanding its stakeholder and localization engagement achievements. USAID will use the report to inform localization approaches and tools related to projects and activities’ current and future design and implementation. Our findings and recommendations also support the development of the Mission’s localization strategic framework and achieving its CDCS’ localization objectives. Our work will help USAID further empower local actors, respond to local priorities, and draw on local capacities and networks for development results better sustained by local institutions.

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