Kenya FTF Performance Evaluation


July 2024


Africa - Kenya


Under the USAID Evaluations, Assessments, and Analyses (EAA) Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract, Integra is conducting a performance evaluation of the USAID/Kenya and East Africa Feed the Future (FTF) Project. The Kenya FTF Project aims to sustainably reduce hunger, malnutrition, and poverty in the FTF Zone of Influence (ZOI) through sustainable increases in agricultural productivity, nutrition-sensitive production, and inclusive and competitive market systems. Specifically, the project sought to address the following challenges: poverty amid growth; undernutrition and stunting; gender and women’s empowerment; low productivity resulting in an uncompetitive agriculture sector dominated by smallholders and limited commercialization; enabling environment for agricultural growth; barriers and threats to Small Medium Enterprise (SME) growth; lack of affordable financial services; a burgeoning youth population; climate variability and frequent droughts; food quality; instability, conflict, and violent extremism; all amid devolution of authority to local governments.

The primary purpose of the evaluation is to assess the success of the project’s design and implementation to inform future USAID/KEA programming. It will determine whether the approaches employed by the project met its goals of reducing hunger, malnutrition, and poverty and will distill lessons learned to inform the development of the new FTF 3.0 activities under design. The evaluation includes a review of 12 activities under the FTF Project, with a particular focus on the Kenya FTF Crops and Dairy Market Systems Development (KCDMS) implemented by RTI International and the Kenya Feed the Future Livestock Market Systems Activity in Kenya (LMS LEADER) implemented by ACDI/VOCA.

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