Pacific Islands DRG Desk Research




Pacific Islands DRG Desk Research

The purpose of this assessment was for Integra to provide USAID with an analysis of the current status of democracy, human rights, and governance in the Pacific Island countries to identify critical gaps and needs, and ultimately to support development of a strategy for improving democracy, rights, and governance (DRG) in the region. This desk review provides profiles of twelve Pacific Island nations that include information on governance, human rights, and political history as well as donor engagement. In developing these profiles, and in consultation with USAID, five critical themes were identified as topics for “mini-papers” due to their strategic importance to the US and their widespread impacts in the region: China’s engagement with diplomacy and aid, the impacts of COVID-19, regionalism, trafficking in persons and women’s political participation. In addition to territorial and population statistics, the profiles also provide the area of each state’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), which is the area over which that state has special rights to use marine resources, as outlined in the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.

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